Mushroom Barley Soup
This combination of mushrooms, barley and carrots makes for a soup packed high in vitamin B6 and packed with fiber. Enjoy this recipe as a comforting...
No single food can protect you against cancer by itself.
But research shows that a diet filled with a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and other plant foods helps lower risk for many cancers. In laboratory studies, many individual minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals demonstrate anti-cancer effects. By including more foods that fight cancer into your diet, you will help reduce your risk of developing cancer.
A lot of us grow up eating foods that might be okay to eat, but aren’t necessarily the best thing to eat. As you build your meal plans, make sure you’re not overdoing it with foods that are best to have in small portions. Excessive consumption of alcohol, processed meats, red meats and sugar-sweetened drinks can all increase your risk of cancer. Read further to learn more about each of these foods, and the impact they can have on your risk of cancer.
There are a lot of popular diets that come with all sorts of promises of significant health benefits. Whilst some of what they offer might be worthwhile, often, beliefs can masquerade as facts, and it can be hard to separate evidence from opinion. Below, our expert dietitians weigh in on some well-known diet trends and the impact they have on cancer prevention.