When you include the American Institute for Cancer Research in your estate plans, you make a major difference in the fight against cancer.

Corporate Champions who partner with the American Institute for Cancer Research stand at the forefront of the fight against cancer

40 Years of Progress: Transforming Cancer. Saving Lives.

The AICR Lifestyle & Cancer Symposium addresses the most current and consequential issues regarding diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

The Annual AICR Research Conference is the most authoritative source for information on diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

Cancer Update Program – unifying research on nutrition, physical activity and cancer.

ResourcesNav New164

Whether you are a healthcare provider, a researcher, or just someone who wants to learn more about cancer prevention, we’re here to help.

Read real-life accounts of how AICR is changing lives through cancer prevention and survivorship.

We bring a detailed policy framework to our advocacy efforts, and provide lawmakers with the scientific evidence they need to achieve our objectives.

AICR champions research that increases understanding of the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer.

Are you ready to make a difference? Join our team and help us advance research, improve cancer education and provide lifesaving resources.

AICR’s resources can help you navigate questions about nutrition and lifestyle, and empower you to advocate for your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn About AICR

AICR funds research that explores the relationships that exist between lifestyle, nutrition, and cancer risk. 

We use our findings to create impactful community programs and educational resources, and work to help the public understand how everyday decisions impact cancer risk.

While not every diagnosis  of cancer is preventable, many cases are. In fact, most research suggests that approximately 40% of all cancer cases in the United States could be prevented.

These vary, of course, and many factors contribute to a given diagnosis, but if you’re worried about cancer, there are things you can do to reduce your risk.

AICR is committed to putting what we know about cancer prevention into action. To help you live healthier, we’ve synthesized a wealth of research from our Third Expert Report and made ten recommendations for cancer prevention. By following these evidence based guidelines, you can significantly reduce your cancer risk.

Explore Our Cancer Prevention Recommendations >>

While research we fund may eventually play a part in some cancer patients’ care regimen, we do not work directly in cancer treatment.

Our work is focused on cancer prevention and cancer survival. We help patients and families understand the role lifestyle and nutrition plays in cancer health and overall well being. 

Generally speaking, we recommend diets that are mostly plant-based, and are full of meals that are comprised of whole-foods, vegetables, and small portions of animal protein. 

Our Food Facts library offers a wealth of nutritional resources, and can provide you with detailed information about numerous foods, grocery items, and diets.

Explore Food Facts >>

We can certainly offer you some good recommendations. Our recipes and nutritional resources have been developed through tremendous research, and are designed to help you make healthy, tasty dietary decisions.

AICR Recipes

New American Plate Challenge 

We sure do! 

Our new online Healthy10 Challenge is a ten-week educational program designed to help you eat smart and move more.

And our new health and nutrition program Coping with Cancer in the Kitchen is an interactive, educational experience for cancer survivors.

We also organize online webinars and special events every year. So follow us on social media to stay in the loop!

We’d be happy to.  Our media library is filled with incredible informational videos, detailed brochures and guides, and easy-to-understand infographics.

Please explore what we’ve got to offer, and start finding the answers you’re looking for.

Media Library >> 

There are a number of ways you can get involved with AICR’s mission. You can spread the word about us on social media, you can host a fundraiser on our behalf, or you can always make an outright donation.

The generosity of supporters like you plays a huge role in our work, and your passion is the engine that powers all our progress.

Ways to Give >>

Understand What You Eat

AICR Food Facts

Look up your favorite foods and find new additions for your grocery list in the AICR’s Food Facts library. Learn how certain foods fight cancer, identify ingredients to have in moderation and get ideas for recipes and meal planning.
