Invested in Cutting Edge Research at Hospitals, Labs, & Universities
Invested in Cancer Risk Reduction Programs and Services
With your support, we’ve
pushed research to new
heights, and have helped
thousands of communities
better understand the
intersection of lifestyle,
nutrition, and cancer.
Enriching Education
17,500+ Lifestyles Changed
Through AICR’s Healthy10 Challenge (formerly New American Plate Challenge), we helped 17,500+ households change their lifestyle and connect with support.
News Stories
Free Resources
1,000,000+ Newsletters
Every year, our educational newsletters reach more than 1 million households. These valuable resources help families make good decisions about nutrition and physical activity.
17 Cancers Researched
Our acclaimed research initiative, The Continuous Update Project has made it easier than ever to keep up with current trends in research. This extraordinary resource serves as a premiere reference for researchers all around the world, and its reports are regularly used to advance new studies.