When you include the American Institute for Cancer Research in your estate plans, you make a major difference in the fight against cancer.

Corporate Champions who partner with the American Institute for Cancer Research stand at the forefront of the fight against cancer

40 Years of Progress: Transforming Cancer. Saving Lives.

The AICR Lifestyle & Cancer Symposium addresses the most current and consequential issues regarding diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

The Annual AICR Research Conference is the most authoritative source for information on diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

Cancer Update Program – unifying research on nutrition, physical activity and cancer.

Read real-life accounts of how AICR is changing lives through cancer prevention and survivorship.

We bring a detailed policy framework to our advocacy efforts, and provide lawmakers with the scientific evidence they need to achieve our objectives.

AICR champions research that increases understanding of the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer.

Are you ready to make a difference? Join our team and help us advance research, improve cancer education and provide lifesaving resources.

AICR’s resources can help you navigate questions about nutrition and lifestyle, and empower you to advocate for your health.

AICR Grant Programs

Research Saves Lives

AICR funds research that focuses on the intersection of diet, weight, physical activity, and cancer risk. By offering grants for basic, translational and clinical research to scientists and clinicians at various career levels, AICR seeks to expand the global understanding of cancer, improve cancer care, and ultimately, realize our vision of a world where no one develops a preventable cancer.

Research Funded

We are committed to funding the strongest projects investigating the links between diet, physical activity, body composition and cancer.

Grant Panel

Each year we assemble a highly qualified panel of independent expert peer reviewers to review the grant applications for that cycle, to ensure that we fund only the strongest applications with the greatest potential to answer the most critical research questions in the field of diet, nutrition, physical activity and cancer.

Research Process

AICR’s Grant Program is dedicated to funding research on cancer prevention, treatment and survival related to diet, nutrition, body composition and physical activity.  Our grants are awarded through a rigorous review process of expert peer review.  We consider each grant that we fund to be an investment in the future of cancer research, improvement in cancer prevention and towards better outcomes for cancer patients.   We are committed to supporting researchers and healthcare professionals, and to ensure that research can help families, patients and communities.

Join Us

Recognized throughout the world for helping to improve the public understanding of cancer risk, lifestyle, and nutrition, the American Institute for Cancer Research has helped shape the modern cancer landscape. Apply for a grant today, and play a part in our next chapter.
