Turnovers are a popular treat in cultures worldwide, from Latin American empanadas to Indian samosas. This week, our winning Health-e-Recipe for Veggie Turnovers with Tomato Sauce celebrates the Superbowl with a version that’s tasty and healthy.
Our filling contains the cancer-fighting antioxidant beta-carotene from carrots and butternut squash, plus other compounds from the onion, parsnip, peas and parsley. The tomato sauce adds some lycopene, another phytochemical abundant in processed tomato products.
Wrapped in a whole-wheat dough, each turnover provides 2 grams of fiber and only 204 calories. Most pie crusts are very high in fat, but ours is carefully devised to have just enough butter to work yet keep the saturated fat content to just 2 grams per serving (and 11 grams total fat).
You can double or triple this recipe for a larger crowd – they’re sure to be cheered! For more healthy appetizer recipes, visit the AICR Test Kitchen. Click here to subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipe.