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December 21, 2010 | 1 minute read

Healthy Lasagna for Busy Times

Here’s a dish you can prepare ahead as a handy meal during these busy holiday weeks. Today’s Health-e-Recipe for Turkey Lasagna is easy, tasty and can be stored in individual portions in your freezer for when you don’t have time to cook.

Using whole-wheat lasagna noodles adds fiber to this recipe. Low-sodium tomato sauce such as marinara is always a good choice, because processed tomatoes have higher levels of the phytochemical lycopene, found by scientists to possibly protect against prostate cancer.

Ground turkey is a healthful substitute for red meat and processed meat like sausage: Eating more than 18 ounces of red meat weekly and eating any processed meat is linked to increased colon cancer risk in AICR’s expert report. Enjoy this combo of spinach and ground turkey — you’ll rarely find it in the grocery store or a restaurant. It’s seasoned with onion and oregano — two more cancer-fighting foods.

The cheese in this recipe is low-fat and the amounts are calculated to include just enough to make your lasagna delicious while keeping calories within reason. Click here to subscribe to AICR’s weekly Health-e-Recipes.

One comment on “Healthy Lasagna for Busy Times

  1. Weight loss on

    Thank you for the recipe and tips to stay healthy. But may I add comments?)
    let`s make an option for vegetarians (whom I am): instead of turkey add zucсhini, eggplants, and a hint of basil.


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