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October 14, 2013 | 2 minute read

Pedometer to track walking.

Q:  I’m using a pedometer to track my walking. If I start bicycling, is there a way to translate biking time into steps to include in my daily step count?

A:        Actually, you can clip your pedometer on to your shoe when biking, and your biking can be added right in to your step count. Use the extra clip or safety loop to anchor it to your sock or shoelace to decrease the chance of it falling off. That will give you a more accurate picture of how cycling is adding to your physical activity than trying to convert time you spend cycling into steps to add to your daily total. Depending on how you cycle, you’ll find that the step count or cycling stroke count may be different when walking or cycling the same distance. Many people find it’s lower when they cycle, which reflects how much time they spend coasting without pedaling. On the other hand, if you are with a group or indoor cycling class that has periods in which you pedal intensively, you may find you get in more strokes than when you walk at a moderate pace. The “step” you are taking of boosting physical activity is among the most effective ways to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and weight gain. And you get all this while promoting overall health, energy and sleep quality! Research strongly supports walking as a form of activity to reach all these benefits, yet adding in some other forms of activity can add still more to the benefits you receive by working muscles a little differently, for example. Using a pedometer has been linked with success at increasing physical activity, especially when you set goals and track your progress. So congratulations on many smart “steps” to good health!

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