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August 20, 2013 | 1 minute read

Grill Your Salad, a Mediterranean Specialty

panzanellaRed bell pepper and red onion get grilled and mixed with fresh toast cubes and other veggies in our Health-e-Recipe for Grilled Panzanella.

This Mediterranean specialty uses fresh basil, ripe tomatoes and cucumber — all abundant this time of year in vegetable gardens everywhere. A few ripe and green olives plus garlic and Dijon mustard give this dish a unique tang. It’s absolutely perfect as part of a light, late summer meal, especially if you’re already grilling lean red meat, poultry or seafood. If you aren’t a grill hound, simply coat your peppers and onions with a little olive oil and roast them in a 400-degree oven for 15 minutes before adding to the salad.

Crusty whole-wheat French or Italian bread is a healthy taste and texture contrast with the cooler veggies. All the ingredients contain cancer-preventive compounds called phytochemicals and have very few calories. Enjoy Grilled Panzanella outdoors on the patio one of these beautiful late summer evenings.

Try more cancer-preventive recipes and subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipes.


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