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January 13, 2010 | 1 minute read

Green Tea May Help Prevent Lung Cancer

Over the years, a lot of research has looked at the health benefits of green tea — with varying findings. The latest green tea study came out today, and it involves lung cancer. A study of over 500 Taiwanese people suggests that at least one cup of green tea per day may lower the risk of lung cancer, particularly for smokers.Tee Brennessel - tea nettle 02

The study was presented at a major conference on lung cancer; you can read a report on it here.

Among smokers and people who never smoked, the more green tea people drank, the more protection was seen. And the protection was greatest among people carrying specific genes.

Of course, the best way to prevent lung cancer  — and many other health issues — is to stop smoking. With New Year Resolutions, there’s no time like now. And this is only one study; scientists say more research is needed. But green tea is delicious on a cold winter’s day, and if you want more reasons to enjoy tea — of any color — this month’s AICR eNews looks at other possible health benefits of tea.

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