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January 23, 2013 | 2 minute read

Chicken That Comes with A Bonus

cropped chicken smallIf you’re getting more physically active in the New Year for good health and lower cancer risk, it’s important to get enough lean protein in your diet. Our Health-e-Recipe for Stuffed Chicken Breasts can help you do that.

This recipe uses a simple technique to add flavor to a protein-rich chicken dinner. Instead of just draping the chicken breasts with red bell peppers, we mix peppers with scallions and a little cheddar cheese, Greek yogurt, lemon juice and hot sauce. This mixture gets stuffed inside the chicken breasts and infuses them with a delicious flavor bonus.

Getting enough protein is important for building and maintaining your muscles and bones, along with keeping your cells healthy. If you are limiting your cooked red meat to no more than 18 ounces per week as AICR recommends (along with avoiding processed meat) for lower cancer risk, choose fresh fish, chicken and turkey plus healthy plant proteins, such as beans — including soy — and nut spreads.

When you get 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day, health experts recommend daily totals of 46 grams for nonpregnant teenage girls and women; and 52-56 grams for teenage boys and men.

Enjoy more cancer-fighting recipes at AICR’s Test Kitchen. Click here to subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipes.

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