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May 12, 2011 | 2 minute read

Cancer Prevention and Grilling: How Smart are You?

Check out this month’s eNews – it includes great information on food, activity, healthy aging and cancer prevention.

Start with our online quiz: Test Your Healthy Aging IQ. Take the quiz here and see how you compare with Americans over age 50 we recently surveyed.

Before you start your grilling this summer, check out our Four Tips for Healthy Grilling article to help you answer these questions.

1.              What percentage of American households report doing some grilling during the year?

2.              Is it safest to grill meat, poultry and fish at high temperatures until they are well-done or even charred?

3.              Will marinating your meat before grilling reduce the compounds that form when meat is grilled?

4.              Is HCA a government agency?

5.              Can grilling fruits and vegetables be a great way to enjoy the backyard barbecue and add some cancer protection to your diet?

Keep reading for the answers:

1.              80% of Americans grill according to the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association.

2.              False. Grilling at high temps and charring meat can lead to formation of compounds that are cancer-causing.

3.              Yes, marinating may reduce formation of one of the cancer-causing compounds.

4.              HCA – Heterocyclic amines are cancer-causing compounds formed when meat, poultry or fish is cooked with high temperatures or charred.

5.              Yes. Fruits and non-starchy vegetables probably protect against a number of cancers (including mouth, esophagus, and stomach).

What are your favorite healthy grilling recipes?

One comment on “Cancer Prevention and Grilling: How Smart are You?

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