Evidence now shows that coffee in moderate amounts is linked with lower risk of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and some cancers. For example, coffee lowers risk of endometrial and liver cancer risk, according to the latest scientific reports from AICR/WCRF. Research also links coffee to lower risk of death from heart disease and longer overall survival.
For endometrial cancer, risk was lower regardless of whether coffee was regular or decaffeinated; findings on other cancers aren’t clear on the influence of choosing regular or decaf. Some of the substances in coffee that may protect health and reduce cancer risk include chlorogenic acids, caffeoylquininic acid and lignans. In laboratory tests, these compounds seem to turn on the antioxidant defense system and enzymes that deactivate carcinogens, and reduce inflammation and insulin resistance. This would promote healthy levels of hormones related to cancer and other chronic diseases.
Studies looking at different brewing methods for preparing coffee so far do not provide consistent answers about whether those choices influence the protective effects of coffee. Since many aspects of health linked with coffee are worsened by excess weight, watch out for sugar, syrups and cream added to coffee. Select low-calorie coffee options that replace high-calorie drinks to help reach and maintain a healthy weight.