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August 4, 2011 | 1 minute read

A Delicious Dish for Fennel

You’ll find a fresh-tasting summer entrée from Italy in our Healthy-e-Recipe for Whole Wheat Pasta with Fennel, Peas and Arugula.

Fennel is a green bulb that resembles celery and has feathery fronds like dill on top. The bulb, which is the part used in this recipe, is a little sweeter than celery, has half the sodium and is a better source of vitamin C, fiber and cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

Another name for arugula is “rocket” and it’s in the cruciferous vegetable group. Like watercress, arugula has a peppery taste along with the potent phytochemicals it shares with broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards and mustard greens. Arugula was first grown and eaten in the Mediterranean region, as was fennel.

This recipe blends both protective vegetables with more anti-cancer red onion, garlic, basil, lemon juice and sweet little green peas. Topped with freshly ground pepper and some Pecorino cheese, it’s a piquant way to enjoy whole-wheat pasta in a light and tasty way.

For more delicious cancer-fighting recipes, visit the AICR Test Kitchen. Click here to subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipes.

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