Are you packing your bags for that last trip before Labor Day and flying to your destination? If so, consider giving a little thought to your food choices en route and your selections can give you the energizing start you want for your final summer fling. Choose cancer-fighting foods but also watch calories to help your efforts to stay at a healthy weight.
Start with breakfast:
Avoid: Cinnamon rolls. While they may smell enticing, the “classic” version has almost 900 calories – at least half of what most women need in a day. The multi-bun packs have thousands of calories.
Choose: Honey Whole Wheat Bagel with Peanut Butter or Egg. If it’s huge, eat half and spread the p.b. yourself. ½ bagel with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter or 1 egg = 250 calories (approx).
Add: 1 cup orange juice and coffee and skim milk.
All this for 500 calories or less – protein, dairy, fruit and a little whole grain, no added sugar.
On the Plane:
Avoid: Sugary beverages – calories and no vitamins, minerals or fiber.
Choose: Club soda with lime; Mix juice half and half with club soda. You’ll get the refreshing sensation of carbonation with none or half the calories. A good thing since your activity level is pretty low.
Add: If you are really hungry, the ½ oz of peanuts or pretzels may be just the thing, but if you’re not hungry, save them for later.
For less than 200 calories – water, maybe a little 100% juice and small snack.
For Lunch – in the airport or to take along:
Avoid: The fast food value meal. (What did you think I’d say?)
Choose: You may find places that have pre-made salads and sandwiches. Fortunately most will have food labels. Look for a lunch of about 500-600 calories that contains some vegetables, a protein source and whole grain (not always possible).
Salads – these should contain actual greens and vegetables. Limit fried toppings, cheese and salad dressings – 2 Tbsp of dressing should be plenty.
Deli sandwiches – look for vegetarian options or tuna salad so you can avoid the processed meat linked to colon cancer.
Fast food – choose the small burger or the snack wraps.
In all cases choose water, milk or unsweetened tea for the beverage.
In general think New American Plate – 2/3 or more of your plant contains vegetables, fruits or whole grain and 1/3 or less has animal products.
What are your airport healthy eating strategies?