Here’s a salad that’s a filling meal but still light on calories – with every bite you’ll be eating healthier, shoring up your body’s arsenal of cancer-protective compounds and preparing for bathing suit season all at once.
Today’s Health-e-Recipe is Roasted Chicken and White Bean Salad, giving you some chicken without adding too much animal protein while bulking the salad up with beans.
AICR advises a eating mostly plant-based diet to get plenty of phytochemicals (naturally occurring cancer-fighting compounds found in plants) into your diet. (Read more about phytochemicals, and how to get more of them into every meal, in a PDF of the AICR brochure found here.)
Beans are high in folate, a B vitamin. Like most vitamins and minerals, folate is best absorbed by the body from whole foods, not supplements. All plant foods give you fiber, a friend to your digestive system.
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