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December 15, 2009 | 1 minute read

Sneak Health into Your Holiday Baking

LemonDropCookiesCan healthy eating and the holidays really coexist? They can in this week’s AICR Health-e-Recipe for lighter holiday cookies.

AICR’s Lemon Drops have only 3.5 grams of total fat and 100 calories per cookie, weighing in as healthier than many other rich holiday treats.

You’ll love their lemony kick, and  their whole-wheat flour provides longer-lasting energy than enriched white flour. Don’t worry if you can’t find whole-wheat pastry flour on your grocery shelf – you can use regular whole-wheat flour and still have your Lemon Drops come out crisp and delicious.

Look for healthy ingredient substitutions that bring down the calories and fat in all your favorite recipes while keeping great taste intact.

You also can download a copy of AICR’s Recipe Makeovers brochure from our Homemade for Health series.

Get a new Health-e-Recipe delivered straight to your inbox every week by taking a few seconds to subscribe.

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