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July 28, 2011 | 2 minute read

Peaches for Prevention (Wherever They’re Grown)

According to one source, there are 71 streets in the metro Atlanta area with the word “Peachtree” in them. Georgia features a peach on its license plate.

But drive through South Carolina on I-85 and you can’t miss that enormous peach water tower. And South Carolina actually sells twice as many peaches out of state as does Georgia.

The New York Times profiles this rivalry in a nice piece that will probably leave you hungry for a nice juicy peach.

And that would be a good thing for your health. Having a peach for dessert instead of something sugary and high fat would mean fewer calories per bite and what a tasty way to keep your  daily calories  at a level appropriate for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. A healthy weight means lower risk for several cancers, diabetes and heart disease.

That peach will also provide you with health promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and phenols, and some fiber, vitamin C and potassium.

There’s more good news: AICR’s expert report found that fruits probably lower risk for the following cancers: mouth/pharynx/larynx, esophageal, lung and stomach.

So which is really the peach state?

Full disclosure: I lived in Georgia for over 15 years. Our young daughter agreed to move there from California because Georgia is known as “The Peach State.” So I’m partial to Georgia peaches.

It’s peach season now – so wherever it’s grown, take advantage of the luscious fruit.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy fresh summer peaches?

Here are some AICR recipes with peaches:

Oatmeal Peach Muffins

Grilled Fruit with Strawberry Dip

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