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March 19, 2013 | 2 minute read

From ‘Knowing’ to ‘Doing’ for Weight Loss: #aicrchat

Tough Nutrition Choices“I know what to do, I just need to do it.”

I heard that a lot when I worked with clients and patients at universities. These people were educated, well read and often did know what to do. Knowledge is important, but it’s not enough if you want to help people make a change to be more physically active, eat vegetables or lose weight.

Guiding people from knowing to doing is not so straightforward. There are no magic formulas, not one thing works for everyone and people get disappointed if they don’t see pay-off relatively quickly.

So, what does it take to guide people from “I know” to “I do”?

That’s exactly what we’d like to chat about with you. AICR is hosting a tweetchat tonight at 8 pm ET for conversation about strategies and techniques we use to help clients, patients and friends move forward in healthful eating and physical activity behavior change.

Here are some of the questions we’ll pose:

Q1: The National Weight Control Registry( NWCR) found that for successful weight loss maintainers, daily breakfast & exercise were among the most common strategies. Work for you?

Q2: A recent publication in the New England Journal of Medicine says it’s a myth that “setting realistic goals is important for weight loss.” Do you agree? Do you focus on realistic?

Q3: Do you recommend that your patients/clients measure or portion out their food?

Q4: Does keeping food diaries (paper, app or online) help patients make changes and/or cut back portions.

Q5: How do you work with those who just don’t like being physically active? What do you suggest?

We’ll talk tools, technology, tracking, goals and more.

Join us on twitter tonight, using #aicrchat

Tuesday, March 19

8 pm ET

3 comments on “From ‘Knowing’ to ‘Doing’ for Weight Loss: #aicrchat

  1. Afaf on

    I have a healthy breakfast to start the day, followed by a healthy snack of fruits and then lunch as the main meal. As for dinner, it is light and planned for the late afternoon. What is most important, is the selection of healthy food and the elimination of high glycemic, high fat and high salt food. I try to exercise as much as I can early in the day incorporating resistance exercise and plan my errands while walking. I believe on incorporating whatever I do as a way of life. I use smaller plates and containers and I keep reminders posted on the refrigerator or at my desk. I like walking outdoors and I don’t like going to the gym and it works for me.

  2. Colleen on

    Is there any chance that a transcript or podcast will be available in the future for this event — From ‘Knowing’ to ‘Doing’ for Weight Loss: #aicrchat? I was unable to participate this evening. Thank you.


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