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June 28, 2011 | 1 minute read

Colorful Foods Prevent Cancer

Red, yellow, orange and green — our Health-e-Recipe for Seared Herb Chicken and Veggies puts bright, appetizing colors on your plate. A feast for the eye, this dish is also packed with cancer-fighting vegetables whose colors signify the healthful phytochemicals they contain. When you eat a variety of vegetables together, studies say, their cancer-protective compounds are even more powerful than when you eat them individually.

Tossed with curry — which contains turmeric and ginger, two spices found to have cancer-fighting properties — carrots’ beta-carotene and bell peppers’ vitamin C, plus their fiber, are a delectable combination.

The oregano‘s quercetin and carnosol, and generous amounts of garlic (with organosulfide protectors) contribute to the cancer-fighting power here, as does the red onion, a relative of garlic. Red pepper adds capsaicin, yet another phytochemical, to the mix. Mint and lime juice add the perfect finishing touches.

Stir-frying all of the above with chicken breast morsels takes only minutes and yields a delicious summer meal. For more cancer-fighting recipes that taste great, visit the AICR Test Kitchen. Click here to subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipes.

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