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April 4, 2014 | 1 minute read

A Cookie with a History (and Whole Grains)

anzac-cookies croppedApril is the month when soldiers in the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) fought the famous World War I battle at Gallipoli. Their bravery has been commemorated in part with a treat featured in our Health-e-Recipe for ANZAC Cookies.

Whole-wheat pastry flour plus oats and unsweetened shredded coconut help to make this cookie unique. Both contain dietary fiber that prevents colorectal cancer and possibly other types of cancer. These cookies are as nutritious today as when they were developed back then and sent to the troops in care packages from home.

You can make your own ANZAC Cookies to fortify yourself during a busy day. Enjoy them as a snack, a filling dessert or even a breakfast treat completed with some protein like low-fat yogurt and fruit.

This cookie makes us two shy of our 500th Health-e-Recipe. Vote for your pick of our milestone recipe on our Recipe March Madness, where you can also subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipes.

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