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June 24, 2019 | 1 minute read

Sydney Smith Cancer Research Initiative Grant

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has instituted a Sydney Smith Cancer Research Initiative Grant in memory of Mr. Sydney Smith who died after his second bout with cancer. Mr. Smith generously donated more than $2.5 million to AICR to conduct cutting edge research to advance understanding of the relationship of diet, nutrition, physical activity, and weight with cancer prevention and survivorship.

“We are very thankful for donors like Mr. Smith whose generosity helps us champion critical research to strengthen the science on cancer prevention and survivorship,” said CEO, Kelly Browning of American Institute for Cancer research.

The research grant titled, “High-intensity interval training to improve cognitive function in breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy” will be the inaugural recipient of this grant. The study will be conducted by Dr. Christina Dieli-Conwright of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, the city that Mr. Smith called home for many years.

“Dr. Dieli-Conwright’s research promises to lessen distressing cognitive impairments experienced during and after chemotherapy,” says Vice President of Research, Dr. Nigel Brockton. He is delighted that such an important and potentially impactful research has been named after Sydney Smith.

Over three-decades, AICR-funded research has helped transform how the scientific and medical communities think about cancer.

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