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December 1, 2016 | 2 minute read

Our Most Popular Holiday Recipes

‘Tis the season for holiday recipes and we’ve got you covered with hundreds of healthy favorites for the whole family. We’ve picked a few of our favorites for this season so sit back and let us plan your whole seasonal spread.

Sensational Starter


Root vegetables, like carrots and parsnips, make the perfect base for a hearty soup. They’re nutritious and versatile, making it easy to add cancer-fighting vegetables to any meal. Our Celery Root and Parsnip Soup is the perfect starter for any holiday spread.

Main Event


This is the turkey recipe to “wow” your guests. The Italian-inspired blend of herbs and spices sets this recipe apart from all the others and produces moist, flavorful meat with very little salt. And this twist on traditional porchetta will boost your intake of cancer-fighting herbs and spices.

Squash the Other Sides


Butternut squash is just coming into season and this simple sauté is one of many ways it can be enjoyed. Roasted and then sautéed with shiitake mushrooms, this unexpected combination is flavorful and full of cancer-fighting carotenoids.

Easy Ending


Nothing warms on a cold day quite like spiced, baked apples. Packed with fiber, particularly pectin fiber, apples help gut bacteria produce compounds to protect colon cells. Sprinkled with walnuts and raisins, this recipe also contains beneficial omega-3 fat and cancer-protective flavonoids and phenolic acids.

For even more healthy options, visit our Holiday Recipes section.

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