As the winter season brings cold temperatures and poor weather conditions, you will most likely want to skip your usual morning or evening walks. If you typically enjoy getting your daily movement in outside, the winter months can prove to be a real challenge. And if you’re someone who is working from home, it’s easy to get stuck in a routine of sitting at your desk at home all day.
Maintaining your physical activity habits or starting a new activity regimen, however, is important for your overall health. Being physically active just 30 minutes per day 5 times per week can reduce your risk for numerous chronic diseases, including cancer. So, how can you stay motivated and make sure you’re getting enough movement each day during the cold weather months? Here are some ways to fit physical activity into your daily winter routine.
Make Use of Your Lunch Break
You may find it hard to get active in the morning or after work hours when it’s dark outside. Take advantage of peak sunlight hours during your lunch break to get your daily movement in and stick to this routine throughout the week. If you make a plan to be physically active at the same time each day, it will become a habit.
This is a great way to get away from sitting at your desk, too. Take 30 minutes to yourself and do yoga, an aerobic workout or any other activity you enjoy.
Do Chores Around the House
Housework isn’t just for keeping your home tidy and clean, but it’s a great way to get up and get moving. If you have been wanting to give your house a deep clean or reorganize those boxes in the basement, the winter season is the perfect time to mark those items off your to-do list while getting active.
Participate in At-Home Workouts
With many people working from home or choosing to stay away from the gym, personal trainers and fitness centers across the country are providing many at-home workouts that are available for free online. Use Google, YouTube or other social media platforms to find a workout routine that suits your fitness level. Blast your favorite song and follow along on your computer or phone.
Find an Exercise Partner or Group
Exercising with a partner or group can keep you motivated on the days when you don’t feel like doing any activity. If you’re friends with your neighbors, find out if they would be interested in doing group walks around the neighborhood once or twice a week. Or if you’re exercising at home, ask someone in your household to join you. There are even live workout classes being hosted on Zoom or Instagram that you could participate in.
Whether you need to maintain your physical activity habits or develop a new routine for getting active each day, start small and find an activity that you can enjoy during the winter months. It will be good for your physical and mental health.