Betty Franks was diagnosed with endometrial cancer at age 50. As you can imagine, it was a life changing event.
“I was fortunate” says Betty. “The cancer was contained, so my treatment involved just one surgery.”
The only member of her family to have had cancer, Betty was determined to improve her lifestyle as she recovered from treatment. “Before I was diagnosed, I really didn’t think too much about what I ate,” she recalls. “I mean, I ate a lot of hot dogs.”
Since her diagnosis, Betty has significantly changed her diet and exercise habits. Over time, she started race-walking, and gradually built up her stamina so she could power through four or five miles at a time. She now works out twice a week, and works with a personal trainer along with her husband, Jim.
“The AICR resources really helped me,” she says. “They had it right the whole time. First the diet-cancer link, and then the physical activity connection; once I started following their guidelines, I felt like I was living a whole new life. The fact that I’m 83 and cancer-free after 33 years is living proof that taking care of yourself really works!”
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