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August 13, 2020 | 4 minute read

AICR Awards Grants to Advance Promising Cancer Research

WASHINGTON, DC – The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has awarded approximately $1.3 million in scientific research grants to eight innovative projects, all designed to better understand the relationship between diet, nutrition, physical activity, body weight and cancer prevention and survivorship. AICR’s latest grant application and review cycle will fund new research, scheduled to start in 2020.

“AICR is proud to be the only charity dedicated entirely to funding research on the relationship between diet, nutrition, physical activity, body weight and cancer risk, and we thank our committed donors who have made it possible to fund this cutting-edge research,” says CEO of AICR, Kelly Browning. “We are excited for this group of researchers to begin their studies to advance our understanding of how lifestyle factors impact cancer risk.”

Grant recipients were selected through a competitive application process and judged by an independent panel of experts. The diverse research topics focus on a variety of cancers in women and men, and identify a wide array of the most common risk factors and their impact on prevention, survivorship and recurrence.

“Despite all the progress that has been made, there is still so much that we need to know about how diet, nutrition, physical activity and body weight affect cancer risk and outcomes. Insights from the research that we fund will help us target cancer prevention more effectively, improve survivorship and push our knowledge into new frontiers,” says Vice President of Research at AICR, Dr. Nigel Brockton. “That is why we are thrilled to award eight new grants this year; each of these studies will push the boundaries of our understanding, create new opportunities and continue to change the way the medical and scientific communities approach cancer prevention and survivorship.”

Over three decades, AICR-funded research has helped move the needle on understanding the link between lifestyle and cancer. AICR has contributed more than $109 million to support over 750 studies conducted at universities, hospitals and research centers across North, South and Central America.

Below is a list of the 2020 AICR research grantees.

Dean Bacich, PhD
University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio
Dietary folate intervention to modify recurrent prostate cancer progression

Brenda Birmann, ScD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Diet and physical activity in the etiology of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), major NHL subtypes and multiple myeloma: a prospective multi-cohort investigation

Justin Brown, PhD
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
The effects of aerobic exercise on circulating cell-free DNA in patients with stage I-III colon cancer: a randomized-controlled trial

Elizabeth Feliciano, ScD
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
Healthful dietary patterns, intermediate biomarkers and long-term breast cancer prognosis

Martin Lajous, MD, ScD
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (National Institute of Health)
Lifestyle and breast cancer risk in a prospective study of Mexican women

Sandeep Prabhu, MSc, PhD
The Pennsylvania State University
Targeting of leukemia stem cells via activation of GPR44 by dietary selenium

Connie Rogers, PhD, MPH
The Pennsylvania State University
Is weight loss achieved via energy restriction, exercise or the combination effective in reducing obesity-induced increases in mammary tumor growth and metastatic progression, and are these changes mediated by immune modulation?

Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH
Penn State College of Medicine
Nurse AMIE (Adressing Metastatic Individuals Everyday)

About the American Institute for Cancer Research

Our vision: We want to live in a world where no one develops a preventable cancer.

Our mission: The American Institute for Cancer Research champions the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, so that we can help people make informed lifestyle choices to reduce their cancer risk.

We have contributed over $109 million for innovative research conducted at universities, hospital and research centers across the Americas. Find evidence-based tools and information for lowering cancer risk, including AICR’s Cancer Prevention Recommendations, at aicr.org.

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