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March 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

A Sweet and Spicy Treat

Juicy red cherries are among spring’s tastiest treats. Today’s Health-e-Recipe gives you a new twist on cherries: Cherry Salsa. This smallest stone fruit — a category that includes peaches, nectarines and plums — contains a phytochemical called perillyl alcohol that may help protect against cancer. Cherries also contain potassium, an essential mineral, and vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the body’s cells.

Store cherries in the refrigerator for up to 3 days and wash them just before using to preserve their texture longest. If you don’t want to pit cherries for recipes, just buy frozen, unsweetened pitted cherries then thaw, drain (you may want to reserve the delicious juice for drinking) and you’re ready to use them as desired.

Top whole-grain French toast with dark, delicious cherries or put them on vanilla yogurt. Add a half-cup of them to oatmeal or another whole-grain breakfast cereal in the morning to get a serving of fruit. You can even put them in entrees with cooked whole grains or a salad with greens, turkey and a sprinkle of slivered almonds. Or buy a bagful, wash and munch cherries just as they are.

For more healthy recipes, visit AICR’s Test Kitchen. Click here to subscribe to our weekly Health-e-Recipe.

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