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Third Expert Report

A Landmark in Cancer Prevention

Created from a massive database of scientific literature, the Third Expert Report (Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective) provides a comprehensive and authoritative body of evidence on how lifestyle factors such as diet, nutrition, body weight, and physical activity can impact cancer risk and survivorship.

A vital resource for anyone involved in preventing cancer, the Report ensures that a broad range of interested parties can find up-to-date, detailed information about the varying processes that underpin the development and progression of cancer.

Third Expert Report reveal

As the global cancer burden is expected to increase to 23.6 million cases by 2030, the need for authoritative, evidence-based recommendations on how to reduce risk becomes more and more critical.

Work like the Third Expert Report gives medical professionals, researchers, policymakers, and communities the resources and information they need to take a proactive approach in the fight against cancer. This comprehensive collection of information and evidence can be used to drive stronger public health policies, advance public education, and improve the public’s overall health.

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Creating the Report

Developed in collaboration with and managed by World Cancer Research Fund International, the Report was produced over a ten year period and was published in 2018. To create the report, a multi-disciplinary panel of independent experts systematically reviewed decades of scientific studies and evaluated evidence from hundreds of studies.

The Third Expert Report builds on two previous global reports from 1997 and 2007. It offers a wealth of new overall information, provides more sophisticated analyses of cancer risk and exposure, and reflects shifts in the Expert Panel’s interpretation of the gathered evidence.

And even after publication, the work remains ongoing. Scientific studies from around the world are routinely added to the Continuous Update Project’s (CUP) research database, which is systematically maintained by a team of scientists at Imperial College London. Evidence is evaluated on an ongoing basis, and findings can be used to update the Cancer Prevention Recommendations.

The Findings

The reports that comprise the Third Expert Report summarize reviews of particular cancer sites and risk factors. Rigorously researched, these detailed papers articulate, interpret, and assess scientific evidence, and cover trends in incidence, pathogenesis, and survival.

Bringing Research Home

Cancer Prevention Recommendations

In order to help families and communities benefit from the Third Expert Report, we’ve synthesized the Expert Panel’s findings and developed ten recommendations for cancer prevention. When followed together, these easy-to-understand health and lifestyle guidelines represent the most reliable blueprint available for living healthily to reduce cancer risk.

Read the Report

In order to make our research accessible, the full Third Expert Report, along with numerous toolkits, has been made available to download online. You can examine findings through shorter excerpts and chapters, go through the print summary, or download the entire 12,000-page report. You can also order a copy of the 116-page print summary.

Full Report, Resources and Toolkits
Order a Printed Summary

Citing the Report

Users may make use of the text and graphics in the Third Expert Report for teaching and personal purposes, provided they give credit to the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research.

To credit the report in publications and press:

World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research.
Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: A Global Perspective.
Continuous Update Project Expert Report, 2018.

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Notes From the Lab
