When you include the American Institute for Cancer Research in your estate plans, you make a major difference in the fight against cancer.

Corporate Champions who partner with the American Institute for Cancer Research stand at the forefront of the fight against cancer

40 Years of Progress: Transforming Cancer. Saving Lives.

The AICR Lifestyle & Cancer Symposium addresses the most current and consequential issues regarding diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

The Annual AICR Research Conference is the most authoritative source for information on diet, obesity, physical activity and cancer.

Cancer Update Program – unifying research on nutrition, physical activity and cancer.

Read real-life accounts of how AICR is changing lives through cancer prevention and survivorship.

We bring a detailed policy framework to our advocacy efforts, and provide lawmakers with the scientific evidence they need to achieve our objectives.

AICR champions research that increases understanding of the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, and cancer.

Are you ready to make a difference? Join our team and help us advance research, improve cancer education and provide lifesaving resources.

AICR’s resources can help you navigate questions about nutrition and lifestyle, and empower you to advocate for your health.

Policy & Advocacy

Every Voice Matters

The American Institute for Cancer Research works with lawmakers, medical experts, and community officials to reduce preventable cases of cancer, and to improve the state of public health.

Research and Policies for Cancer Prevention

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. and one of the most costly health conditions. Cancer prevention involves more than just our individual choices. Public policies can make it easier – or harder – for people to make decisions that support their health. By advocating for federal policies that support cancer prevention and research, AICR is helping all Americans to lead healthy lifestyles.


We work toward this goal by focusing on key federal priority policy areas that are important for helping people make informed choices to reduce their cancer risk and improve cancer survival.

  • Nutrition labels that promote informed choices
  • Alcohol labels that educate about cancer risk
  • Federal dietary guidelines that are aligned with cancer prevention research
  • Federal guidelines for physical activity programs and policies that make it easier to follow AICR’s Physical Activity Recommendation
  • Increasing federal funding for cancer research, with an emphasis on prevention and healthy lifestyles
  • Access to diet, physical activity and weight loss interventions for people with cancer and cancer survivors
Marilyn Gentry, AICR President

It’s time for action.

Preventing cancer is an urgent health issue that must be pushed to the top of everyone's policy agenda. The cost of inaction is simply too high. We all need to do our part to protect our families, friends and neighbors from this devastating disease.

Public Health and Policy Implications

The Need for Policy Action

Our Third Expert Report discusses the importance of taking policy action to influence the broader determinants of cancer that are beyond personal control. It presents a new policy framework that outlines actions that can be taken to promote physical activity, eating healthy, breastfeeding, and reducing alcohol consumption.

AICR’s policies align with the strategies in WCRF’s NOURISHING framework, which recognizes that policy actions are needed in the environment, food system, and behavior change communications to promote health diets and reduce obesity.

Our Partners

A Global Effort

AICR works to improve cancer prevention locally. World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF), engages in policy work at a global level. Together, we use the findings of the Third Expert Report as the basis for our policy recommendations and to help governments improve their approach to cancer prevention.

AICR is turning what we know about cancer prevention into policies that make it easier for you to make healthier choices. To help achieve this goal, we engage policymakers in a variety of ways, from comment letters to lobby days, to make sure our voice is heard.

We need your help! Your voice and your story can help policymakers understand the importance of cancer protective policies that decrease the burden of cancer in our country. Download the Contacting Your Members of Congress: A Quick Guide, and engage your members via phone, email, or social media.

You have an opportunity right now to participate in one of the AICR policy priorities by advocating for federal research funding. Learn how to contact your members of Congress by downloading the guide above and use this script to speak with your members of Congress about funding pivotal research for cancer prevention and survivorship. Share your advocacy efforts with us by emailing AICR staff at [email protected] or tagging us on social media.

Interested in learning more? If you want to be the first to know about our policy initiatives, and how you can get involved, sign up below. You will receive a welcome email and be placed on our advocacy contact list for future opportunities. Thank you for your help in creating a world free of preventable cancers.
