The Power of Prevention
AICR brings awareness to cancer prevention by highlighting the strong scientific evidence supporting the impact of lifestyle changes in reducing cancer risk. AICR is committed to putting cancer prevention into action. Learn more about AICR's 10 Cancer Prevention Recommendations and how you can incorporate them in your everyday routine.
Risk Reduction and Adherence Research
Just how effective are AICR’s Recommendations: do they really work? Short answer – yes! For over a decade, researchers have investigated the effect of AICR’s Cancer Prevention Recommendations on cancer risk and other health outcomes. Studies have shown that following AICR’s diet and lifestyle recommendations lower cancer risk, risk of other chronic diseases and help people live a longer and healthier life.
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30-Day Cancer Prevention Checklist
Download the 30-day checklist to help you eat well, move more and make healthy choices to reduce your cancer risk.
A Closer Look at Cancer Prevention and Risk
Cancer prevention does not refer to individual cancer cases. It’s looking at the big picture of a community, a country, or the world and trying to reduce the number of cancer cases.
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What do we know about preventing cancer?
Research is always underway to find out more about what can be done to prevent us from developing cancer in the future. However, our experts have reviewed all data available to us to provide you with the most reliable cancer prevention advice available. Making changes to your lifestyle to eat healthier and exercise more can have a big impact.
What are the risk factors?
Though there are some core steps we can all take to reduce our chances of developing cancer, the risk factors can vary depending on the type of cancer. Some risk factors are genetic and out of anyone’s control, however some are more environmental and lifestyle based, which we can influence. Check out information in Cancer Survival for more information on the different cancer types and their risk factors.
Cancer Types
Start Cooking
Favorite Dishes, Snacks, & Treats
Want to find the key to managing your weight and staying healthy? It is in your kitchen! Whether you want inspiration for breakfast, entree or healthy desserts, we have a recipe for you. All our meals use ingredients shown to help with preventing cancer. Get out your best pots and pans and have fun preparing these incredible, healthy meals.